Lesson 06 : The 5 Q’s in Action
Using IQ, EQ, BQ, CQ & TQ as lenses how can we gain powerful insights on navigating our awareness of self?
When you are activated ( in an emotional reaction/ physical wakeup / or biological slow down) The 5 Qs hold you in that vulnerable moment of activation and gives you a roadmap to check in with your inner operating system and find the glitch to resolve. Consciously in order to thrive rather than our usual subconscious or unconscious survival strategies that keep us revisiting the same activation over and over again until we can properly release the activation which is a stress response in your system. This is represented in the Rat wheel concept of never being able to get off
Ask the following questions when looking at each of these dimensions in any given situation / reaction you find yourself.
what am i noticing is happening to me in this moment ( feelings, emotions, thoughts, stories, relation to my environment )
what do i want more of in each of these dimensions within this situation / feelings ?
what do i want less of in each of these dimensions within this situation / feelings ?
want do i need help processing out to uncover what is really going on to empower my role in this moment ?
what do i need to trust in myself to identify the resilience needed in this dimension.