Internal Resources

Find things that makes you feel calm and present within.

Calm inside your body + mind… as well as keeps you connected to yourself / others/ your environment.

For example :

  • Breathe work :notice your breathe , do not change it. simply be aware of it as much as you can throughout your day

  • exercising to feel your whole body, without exerting to point of discomfort

  • orienting exercises ( upon request )

  • body scanning

  • free form dancing

  • sleep and rest when your body wants it

  • stimming ( twirling your hair, swaying, walking, + more )

  • follow your urges ( i.e. ; digestion , verbal expressions + movement )

  • Begin to explore your human beings iOS ( emotional operating system ) assessment tool here

  • Enneagram assessment which uncovers and identifies some of your inner patterns to get started with the noticing step of the HB iOS method

External Resources

  • listening to music

  • From a warm cup of tea, to coffee in the am, reading the newspaper.

  • sit in the sun for as long as you feel comfort noticing you thoughts, body sensations

  • being in nature, long hikes or on the beach, watching nature simply being how orienting to the environment

  • group classes for exercise that open your system ( mind + body ) noticing your limit and not pushing past it until your body is ready

  • watch a good movie or show that you enjoy the sensations that it creates inside you staying present to the moment

  • Nourishing food, filling your gut and body with the nutrients that ignite energy and clarity in your system ( brain and digestion )

  • hydration

  • Read Books that nourish your creativity and opening of mindset

Book : The four agreements by don miguel ruiz

Book : Breaking the habit of being yourself