Lesson 02 : Daily iO Method
The HBiOS model is the emotional iOS humans are living. We will dive deeper into each part of the process in the following lessons but this foundation will go into an overview of what the journey through emoto can be. emoto is not a linear step by step process and as you get stronger in using the framework you’ll be able to dance with the uncertainty life provides us with dive in the different stages needed.
Noticing and acknowledging “ the self”.
Notice your reaction ( in your mind + body )
Remember your “ self “, separate the “ self “ from the reaction
Look at yourself through the 5 Q’s introduced in lesson 1
Understand and acknowledge you are in control
Asses what work needs to be done inward and outward ( through the levels of awareness in each dimension of emoto model )
Containers for growth : Creating Safety containers for your emotional growth spurt . Do the work with kindness and asking for support when needed
Learn, grow capacity and repeat.