Are we there yet ?
Our lives are upside down and all around. Are you swimming, sinking, floating or out of the pool completely ? Maybe all , at all times like me ! I urge us all to notice, our default reactions to these stressful and uncertain times. This creates a base line for your awareness of needs. Nothing is normal these days with the global disruption down to our inner homes, and thats the gift. it is intensely uncomfortable in so many ways. From not knowing when to shower ? To feeling like a line cook at home with the never ending plates and food prep. To the uncertainty of our finances and the future of our systems moving forward. Being in , around, at the bottom or simply floating in the pool is part of this process. Can we enjoy the bits that bring us clarity and light as we learn to swim in this new reality redesigning how we relate to ourselves, others and our world? Can we also embrace the really exhausting days where there seems to only be darkness heaviness hovering over you within you and around you from that space the light is born. we come from the stars and having faith that those dark days bring us clarity and our future. To dance in and with the pool begin with safety every moment, every day, every breathe you take create safety for yourself.