Stillness in the times of COVID-19
Covid-19 has brought the world to it’s knees….
WHY … is the question we are all wondering about. What are we not seeing and can no longer ignore ? Are we free, or are we controlled by so much more than covid-19 ?
i saw a meme, that felt to be true…. “ i feel like mother earth is sending us all to our rooms for being assholes “
on a connection call with my colleagues and co-active community… MY mentors/ teachers called this time ‘ The Great Pause ‘ …. it felt so true. this is the time to pause, literally and figuratively in our entire selves and ways of being. What is my relationship to self ?
As i got steady on the new norm inward… i began to go outward, and deeply listening to what i had not seen so clearly.
It is also showing what no longer works for our system humanity has been following for centuries.
What is broken in our inequitable world with a severe imbalance to those affected with basic needs.
The universe is calling us forth to no longer hide. Behind schedules, achievement and hoarding. ITs exposing who we are truly Being in this world. The ultimate whole-human integration of self and our lives. from basic needs, to connection and relationship evolution who do you want to “ Be “ during this time, and when we come out of it, what will no longert be the same ?
emoto believes you are your own rock, and then you branch outward to immediate family, community, society and then the greater world.
i’m working on how i relate and deal with stress when there is survival energy and old traumas reactivating. some severe and some easier to release. These two weeks have been disorienting, scary, exciting and exhausting. In the crisis there is possibility to grow capacity.
The stability life relies upon is gone….
Our relationship with FEAR + UNKNOWN is our lense to the imprint on our system and experience.
What are you experiencing ?
What matters now ( for yourself, family, community, society, the world )?
What do i want more of ?